Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit



Fernando Loffredo

Dr. Fernando Loffredo

Humbold Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers


Historisches Seminar der LMU
Frühe Neuzeit
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München

Historicum, Schellingstraße 12, 80799 München, Raum 029

Telefon: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 5560

Fernando Loffredo ist Assistenzprofessor für frühneuzeitliche mediterrane und koloniale visuelle Kultur im Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature an der State University of New York at Stony Brook und Principal Investigator der Max-Planck-Partnergruppe 2022-2027 „Empires, Environments, Objects“ in Zusammenarbeit mit der Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, und dem Kunsthistorischen Institut in Florenz. Seine Hauptforschungsinteressen sind die transmediterranen künstlerischen Beziehungen, die Skulptur und der urbane Raum sowie die Dialoge zwischen Kunst und Poesie in der frühen Neuzeit, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf den Gebieten unter spanischer Herrschaft auf der ganzen Welt. Er war Andrew W. Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow 2015-2017 am Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (National Gallery of Art, Washington DC), und I Tatti/Museo Nacional del Prado Inaugural Fellow 2020-2021.


Liste ausgewählter Veröffentlichungen


- Loffredo, F. (co-author of) (2022): Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, edited by Denise Allen, Linda Borsch, James David Draper, Jeffrey Fraiman, and Richard E. Stone, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

- Loffredo, F., Vagenheim, G. (2019): Pirro Ligorio's Worlds. Antiquarianism, Classical Erudition and the Visual Arts in the Late Renaissance. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History n. 293. Leiden/Boston


1. Loffredo, F. (2022): "A Captive History of Sculpture: Abducting Italian Fountains in the Early Modern Spanish Mediterranean," in Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, LXXXV, Chicago University Press, pp. 165-212.

2. Loffredo, F. (2022): "Soldani's Lamentation in Córdoba," The Burlington Magazine, 2022, November, pp. 1118-1122.

3. Loffredo, F. (2022): "New light on the colossal statues on the façade of Saint Peter's, Rome," The Burlington Magazine, CLXIV, 2022, January, pp. 22-33

4. Loffredo, F. (2021): "Memorias de Algardi en un Busto de Apolo del Museo del Prado" [A Bust of Apollo in the Museo del Prado Reminiscent of Algardi's Clay Creations], Boletín del Museo del Prado, 87-91.

5. Loffredo, F. (2021): "Viento y Fortuna en la representación de la «France Antarctique»" [Wind and fortune in the representation of the «France Antarctique»], Nuevas de Indias: Anuario del Centro de Estudios de la América Colonial, VI, pp. 54-91.


1. Loffredo, F. (2022): "Murillo's Ruins," in Guillaume Kientz (ed.), Murillo: From Heaven to Earth, New Haven, Yale University Press/Kimbell Art Museum, pp. 46-63.

2. Loffredo, F. (2022): "Cosimo I and His Spanish In-Laws: the Duke and the Toledo Family" in Alessio Assonitis and Henk van Veen (eds.), A Companion to Cosimo I de' Medici, Leiden-Boston, The Renaissance Society of America Vol. 17 – Brill, pp. 72-114.

3. Loffredo, F. (2020): "Circulation of Sculpture Across the Spanish Empire: The Case of Martino Regio's Genoese Workshop and the Multiple Variations of His Name," in Artistic Circulation between Early Modern Spain and Italy, edited by Kelley Helmstutler Di Dio and Tommaso Mozzati, New York/London, Routledge "Visual Culture in Early Moderniny" Series, pp. 109-130.